Sorry I've been away for so long. -.- So much has happened since I last updated this blog. I could go telling these bunch of stories but...... I choose not to grief. Yes how things have been for past few months was the worst things that could have ever happened to me. Apart from these very sad things that happened though maybe I'll pick out some nice happy jumpy things that has happened lately. *imagine me saying that in a tone of voice that would probably annoy you cos I think I just annoyed myself* (:
So it's the fasting month and things have been so awkward since. It started with my grandma falling sick then seeing all the dreaded aunts and uncles and then finally making up with them all over again. It's been so long. So bad events can also bring about good things. Raya is coming so intensive cleaning is expected soon. Gah. ): All i know is that I'm exhausted. Yes the fasting month so far has been so tiring. And wow I just found out that I have migraine! Great. That should explain the constant nausea and almost-blacking-out feeling every time there is field work. I love chocolate and orange juice. And I gotta stop consuming them to avoid migraine?? NEVER GONNA HAPPEN :D
What else to tell aa? What else what else what else. Nothing eeeeelse :D till next time homies.
Sak li ko eyyyyyyyyyyy!
Blabbering @
Hi weirdos,
yes my second blog, one which i deleted long ago and this is my comeback. I'll delete it again soon so don't relink me. ha ha. just kidding.